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      How to prolong the service life of non negative pressure water supply equipment


      How to prolong the service life of non negative pressure water supply equipment

          As everyone knows, the water pump is used as the core component of non negative pressure water supply equipment, is the key to non negative pressure water supply equipment can operate normally, in addition to the principle of centrifugal pump related knowledge, we have more important is how to conduct the related maintenance of our water pump, to prolong the service life of the water pump non negative pressure water supply equipment, from below the following details should pay attention to what matters to prolong the service life of the water pump.
      Preparation of non negative pressure water supply equipment before starting:
      1, test motor steering is correct, from the top of the motor to the pump as a clockwise rotation, the test time should be short so as to avoid mechanical seal dry wear.
      2, open the exhaust valve to fill the entire pump body, to be closed after the exhaust valve.
      3, check each part is normal.
      4, with the hand disc pump to make the lubricating liquid into the mechanical seal face.
      5, the high temperature type should first run preheating, heating rate of 50 C / h, in order to ensure that each department is heated evenly.
      Non negative pressure water supply equipment start:
      1, fully open inlet valve.
      2. Close the valve.
      3, start motor, observe whether the pump is running correctly.
      4, adjusting the outlet valve opening to the desired condition, such as the user is equipped with flow or pressure meter at the outlet of the pump, it should adjust the outlet valve opening in the pump performance parameter table rated point operation, if the user is not installed in the pump outlet flow or pressure meter, it should adjust the outlet valve opening; the motor current measuring pump, the motor runs in the rated current, otherwise it will cause the pump overload operation (i.e. current operation, to make the motor burned out) adjustable outlet valve opening is large and small and pipeline related conditions.
      5, check the seal leakage, normal mechanical seal leakage should be less than 3 drops per minute.
      6, check the motor, bearing temperature rise at less than 70 DEG C.
      Non negative pressure water supply equipment shutdown:
      1, high temperature before cooling, the cooling rate is not higher than 10 deg / min, the temperature is lowered to below 80 DEG C, to stop.
      2. Close the valve.
      3, stop motor.
      4, close the inlet and outlet valve.
      5, such as long-term shutdown, the pump should be put into the liquid.
      Through the above several operations related to the maintenance, I believe the pump service life will be greatly extended, better play its due function.

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